Kristyne Elizabeth Fetsic
Kristyne's Work
EASTSIDERS: Seasons 1 and 2​
Season 1: On DVD, iTunes, Amazon Prime, Hulu
Season 2: On Vimeo On Demand
As producer, Kristyne was in charge of building the production's budget and the production schedule, both of which she also managed during production. She was in charge of organizing and executing the production's paperwork, which included SAG forms, E&O and production insurance, cast and crew deal memos and timesheets, and distribution contracts. Kristyne helped run the Kickstarter campaign for both seasons 1 and 2, which raised a combined total of over $175,000, and was in charge of the perk fulfillment. She also hired crew and cast members, distributed press kits to various publications, and assisted with social media.
Learn more about EASTSIDERS...
I Died...I Came Back...Whatever
2015 - 1 hr - Solo Performance
For the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival Premiere of the show, Kristyne managed the Kickstarter campaign which raised $3,800 to produce the show. She created and managed the show's budget and designed the show's programs. Kristyne was in charge of the box office and assited with social media and press outreach.
CW FanTalk
Airs Live on cwtv.com every Tuesday at 7pm ET / 4pm PT
Watch previous episodes on cwtv.com
Associate Producer
CW FanTalk allows fans to countdown the hour to the week’s premiere of new CW shows with the cast, crew and fellow fans. Fans can ask their most burning questions, go deeper into the world of the shows, and see a side of their heroes that they can’t see anywhere else. Kristyne manages all the logistics that go into putting on the show; from budgets to show timing to call sheets, Kristyne gathers all the information and effectively communicates the information to fans, crew, hosts, and guests. On show day, Kristyne ensures that the studio is in good shape and acts as stage manager.
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Women Problems
2013 - 22 min
As the director of "Women Problems," Kristyne was in charge of all creative decisions on the project. She recommended and hired crew members, cast the actors, and chose the shooting locations. She designed the wardrobe and art direction and she worked closely with the Director of Photography to storyboard the entire script and set the shots. Kristyne worked with all the actors, both in rehearsals and on set, to develop their characters and performances.
2011- 13 minutes 39 seconds - HD
As part of her 2011 Ithaca College thesis film production class, Kristyne conceived of and produced her short film, Sucker. Kristyne took production on location from Ithaca, NY to Vermilion, OH providing lodging and meals for a crew of 8 and cast. Kristyne conceptualized the story, set looks for wardrobe and art direction, and worked with the actors both on set and in video chat rehearsals to achieve successful performances. Kristyne managed her entire crew and provided support for every department. She supervised editing and sound design, prepared the film for distribution, and submitted the film to several film festivals. Sucker was an official selection of the 2012 Ohio Independent Film Festival.